Monday, December 17, 2012
Dear Family, Losing a loved one can be devastating. However, please take comfort in knowing that death isn’t the end. We know this because Jehovah God has given us sound reasons for hope in the in the resurrection promise. Indeed, we have his word that the dead will rise to life again. According to Isaiah 55:11 and Luke 18:2, his purpose regarding those asleep in death is sure to be fulfilled. In fact, God has already shown his power to raise the dead when He resurrected His son and appointed King, Jesus Christ, who also gives us good reasons for believing that the dead will one day be resurrected to life with the prospect of living forever here on earth, which under Christ’s rule will be transformed into a paradise free of all the problems we deal with today. Faith in God’s provision for raising the dead by means of his Son, Jesus Christ, can sustain us in times of sorrow. Which is why I encourage you to read the following Bible accounts: (Mark 5: 35 to 43; Luke 8: 49 to 56; and John 11: 1 to 45) which will no doubt strengthen you faith in the resurrection promise and move you to take time to gain accurate knowledge of God and Jesus through a FREE Bible study with the Witnesses before the fulfillment of John 5: 28 and 29. To stress the importance of such study Jesus said in John 17 verse 3 “This means everlasting life…”